Membership Benefits and Expectations
- Participate in the review of project ideas submitted to CTTI
- Contribute to discussions and decision-making about which projects CTTI will undertake and which strategies CTTI will use to synthesize, communicate and implement recommendations resulting from completed projects
- Have preferred status in terms of representation on project teams
- Receive regular reports about the progress of CTTI projects and collaborations
- Name representative to the CTTI Steering Committee
- Receive public acknowledgement of participation in and contributions to CTTI
- Collaborate and exchange ideas with stakeholders from multiple sectors about how to improve the clinical research enterprise
Actively participate in CTTI activities and discussions
Seek opportunities to advance the mission of CTTI
Engage in constructive conversations with a variety of stakeholders with divergent views on issues
Promote adoption of CTTI recommendations within the clinical research enterprise
- Keep abreast of and communicate with parallel initiatives
Contribute an annual membership fee to support CTTI activities and projects