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CTTI Seeks Nominations for At-large Position on Steering Committee

Last modified August 25, 2011 03:26 PM - EST

The Executive Committee has designated an at-large member position on the CTTI Steering Committee.  The at-large position is important because it allows for the inclusion of a perspective that might not otherwise be represented in Steering Committee discussions.  As an example, the current at-large member is Norman Fost, an ethicist who has studied, taught and written about ethical and regulatory issues related to clinical research.

CTTI is now accepting nominations for the at-large member position.  Nominations will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, August 31, 2011.  Nominations should be submitted to  and should include name, organization, and, if available, a short bio. In considering potential nominees, it may be helpful to review the responsibilities of the Steering Committee and the ideal qualities of SC representatives.

The at-large member will be chosen by a subcommittee of the SC. The term of office for the position is two years. SC meetings are held approximately 3 times per year in the Washington, DC area. Travel expenses will be covered for the at-large member to attend SC meetings; no honorarium will be provided.

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